Pet Frogs (how to keep them)


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Pet frogs care

There are many species of frogs through out Australia and the world, and many have very individualised pet care needs. The most common frog kept as a pet in Australia is the Green Tree Frog, most of our information is based around this. Always keep in mind that individual species of frogs may have different and individual care requirements.

Frogs are amphibians

Frogs are amphibians and generally live in or near water. They have a common life cycle in that they start out as eggs, then a larval stage as tadpoles. Eventually they metamorphosis into the frog you may be familiar with. Most frogs purchased as pets are already in their adult stage, but you can get tadpoles for certain species and watch the process yourself.

Hibernate during the Winter

Some frogs need to hibernate during the winter, while others do not. For this and many other reasons, it is best to research the particular frog species you are interested in before acquiring it as a pet. This way you will at least know what to expect, and can prepare for it. Some frogs for example can grow quite large and have a large appetite to match.

Frogs eat insects

Frogs mainly eat insects, but can eat other small animals or even other frogs. In captivity they are generally fed on crickets, meal worms and baby mice. Like any animal they need a variety, and generally need some form of supplements if fed on these foods alone. Most crickets and meal worms would be dusted with calcium on an ongoing basis. Special formulas and foods are also available.

Frogs also have interesting defences, to prevent them from being eaten. From being poisonous to bloating up their body, their ability to jump a great distance can sometimes be the difference between life of death in their natural environment.

Do not Move around a lot

You should be aware that most frogs do not actually move around a lot. And although they can be patted, it is not recommenced as the oils in our skin can irritate them. In fact your hands should be clean (no soaps) and wet whenever you handle frogs.

If you are after an active or interactive pet then frogs probably aren’t for you. In any case, they are generally very colourful and interesting to look at, and make a fantastic low maintenance pet.

Basic Requirements

If you are about to get a frog, you need to make sure you have the basic requirements, before you even bring them home! Here is a list of the basic requirements for any frogs.

  • Aquarium / Terrarium
  • Lighting (or natural light)
  • Substrait (gravel, clay balls etc.)
  • Food
  • Treated/Stabilized Water
  • Heater (light or aquarium heated tank back)
  • Ceramic feeding dish

Optional Requirements

  • Plastic jungle plants
  • Waterfalls
  • Ornaments
  • Driftwood
  • Aquarium Backing


Suitable For People Aged: 5 & over
Experience Required: None. Care sheet & info
Feeding Care Time Required: 5 minutes a day
Maintenance Time Required: 1/2 Hour a Week
Minimum Space Required: Aquarium/Terrarium
Cost of Upkeep: (approx) $5 Per Week
Life Span: (approx) up to 20
Availability: Summer to Autumn